Saturday, January 16, 2010

Southern Ruck 2010

Southern Ruck, Nantahala Outdoor Center, NC January 2010
Gathering of hikers in January of 2010
Wak and Chaco

Winton Porter signing copies of his book

Hooch helping in the kitchen


Chaco and Mala

Auburn Breeze, Kayak Karl, Miss Janet


Gungo, Cooler Award Winner 

Cool Breeze and Skids

Mala and Wakapak


Auburn Breeze, Cuffs, Gungho

Wesser Creek- January 2010

Wesser Creek Trail- January 2010
Day hike in the snow to Wesser Bald on the Wesser Creek Trail Go to the video's and check out the video of Little Bear. Its funny.
Wesser Creek Trail

Little Bear

Wesser Bald Firetower


Little Bear

Cheoah Bald in the distance

Wesser Bald

Wak and Bear

Chaco and bear

Thinks he is something

Lots of blowdowns

Needs to cut back on the donuts

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This happened a lot on this trip. There is a funny video

No redemption 

Wak down
